Installing Anka

How to install the Anka Virtualization software on your macOS

Download and install

You can find the installation packages on the website. Once downloaded, double click the .pkg to start the installation process.

installer with pkg

Nested Virtualization

If you need Nested Virtualization to run Docker inside of the VM, you can find it by clicking the Customize button on the Installation Type stage of the interactive installer or adding the following to the installer command in your terminal: sudo installer -applyChoiceChangesXML nanka.xml -pkg AnkaVirtualization.pkg -target /

When you generate your VM Template, be sure to enable it with: anka modify {vmNameOrUUID} set nested 1

Only Docker is supported at this time

Verify the installation

❯ anka version
Anka version 2.X.X (build XXX)

(alternative) Download and install with your terminal

terminal installation

curl -L -o AnkaVirtualization.pkg
sudo installer -pkg AnkaVirtualization.pkg -tgt /

Last modified September 4, 2020 : quick fix (8bd2c06) by Nathan Pierce